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Theus, M. and Urbanek, S. (2008)
Interactive Graphics for Data Analysis: Principles and Examples, CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-5848-8594-8 (Order online, - book webpage)
Urbanek, S. (2008)
"Visualizing Trees and Forests" in Handbook of Data Visualization, Eds.: Chen, C., Härdle, W., Unwin, A., pp 243-264, Springer ISBN 978-3-540-33036-3
Urbanek, S. (2006)
"Trees" in: Graphics of Large Datasets, Eds.: Unwin, A., Theus, M. and Hofmann, H., pp. 177-202, Springer ISBN 978-0-387-32906-2 (GOLD page)
Urbanek, S. (2006)
Exploratory Model Analysis, BoD, ISBN 978-3-8334-6078-4 (Order online)

Kane, M., Gilani, O., Khusainova, E., Urbanek, S. (2024)
Identifying loci in mobility networks with applications in New Zealand work commutes: a statistical test for identifying extreme stationary distribution values in Markov transition matrices in Applied Network Science 9 (1), 1-24
Urbanek, S. (2024)
RCloud - Collaborative Visualization and Analysis Platform in Journal of Data Science
Cairns, J., Urbanek, S., Murrell, P. (2024)
A Platform for Large Scale Statistical Modelling in R in Journal of Data Science 22 (2)
Kane, M., Jiang, X.T., Urbanek, S. (2022)
On the Programmatic Generation of Reproducible Documents in Journal of Statistical Software 103 p1-15
Kane, M., Jiang, X.T., Urbanek, S. (2021)
Automating Reproducible, Collaborative Clinical Trial Document Generation with the listdown Package. in R Journal (13) 1
Gilani, O., Urbanek, S., Kane, M. (2020)
Distributions of Human Exposure to Ozone During Commuting Hours in Connecticut Using the Cellular Device Network in Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, (25) 1, p54-73
Arnold, T., Kane, M. J., Urbanek, S. (2017)
"iotools: High-Performance I/O Tools for R" in R Journal, vol 9(1), p. 6 (link to the R Journal article)
Ordonez, C., Johnson, T., Urbanek, S., Shkapenyuk, V., Srivastava, D. (2017)
"Integrating the R Language Runtime System with a Data Stream Warehouse" in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (DEXA) vol. 10439 p. 217-231
Kane, M. J., Lewis, B., Tatikonda, S., Urbanek, S. (2016)
"Scatter matrix concordance as a diagnostic for regressions on subsets of data" in Statistical Analysis and Data Mining vol. 9(4) p. 249-259
North, S. C., Scheidegger, C. E., Urbanek, S., Woodhull, G. (2015)
"Collaborative visual analysis with RCloud" in IEEE VAST 2015 p. 25-32
Small, C., Becker, R., Caceres, R., Urbanek, S. (2015)
"Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Mobile Communication Patterns in the New York Metro Area: Collective Behavior during Extreme Events"
Balakrishnan, S., Chopra, S., Applegate, D., Urbanek, S. (2012)
"Computational Television Advertising", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '12)
Becker, R. A., Caceres, R., Hanson, K., Meng Loh, J., Urbanek, S., Varshavsky, A., Volinsky, C. (2012)
"Human Mobility Characterization from Cellular Network Data", in Communications of the ACM (CACM).
Becker, R. A., Caceres, R., Hanson, K., Meng Loh, J., Urbanek, S., Varshavsky, A., Volinsky, C. (2011)
"A Tale of One City: Using Cellular Network Data for Urban Planning" in IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 10(4), pages 18-26
Becker, R. A., Caceres, R., Hanson, K., Meng Loh, J., Urbanek, S., Varshavsky, A., Volinsky, C. (2011)
"Clustering Anonymized Mobile Call Detail Records to Find Usage Groups" in The First Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications (PURBA)
Urbanek, S. (2011)
"iPlots eXtreme - Next-generation Interactive Graphics; Design and Implementation of Modern Interactive Graphics" in Computational Statistics, Springer, vol. 26(3), pages 381-393, September (submitted draft as PDF).
Applegate, D., Dasu, T., Krishnan, S., Urbanek, S. (2011)
"Unsupervised clustering of multidimensional distributions using Earth Mover Distance" in Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD (ACM link)
Murdoch, D., Urbanek, S. (2009)
"The New R Help System" in The R Journal, 1(2):60-65, December 2009 (paper as PDF)
Urbanek, S. (2008)
"FastRWeb: Fast Interactive Web Framework for Data Mining Using R", in Proceedings of the IASC 2008 World Congress (paper as PDF).
Urbanek, S. (2007)
"How to Talk to Strangers - Ways to leverage connectivity between R, Java and Objective C" in: DSC 2007 proceedings (JCGS-SI)
Helbig, M., Theus, M. and Urbanek, S. (2005)
"JGR: Java GUI for R" in Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 9-11 (SCGN v16n2 as PDF)
Urbanek, S. (2005)
"Following Traces of Lost Models" in Proc. of the joint Statistical Meetings 2005, Section on Statistical Graphics, Mira Digital Publishing (Paper as PDF)
Urbanek, S. (2003)
"Interactive Construction and Analysis of Trees" in Proc. of the Joint Statistical Meetings 2003, Biometrics Section, Mira Digital Publishing (Paper as PDF)
Urbanek, S. (2003)
"Rserve - A Fast Way to Provide R Functionality to Applications" in Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003), ISSN 1609-395X, Eds.: Kurt Hornik, Friedrich Leisch & Achim Zeileis (Paper as PDF)
Urbanek, S. and Theus M. (2003)
"iPlots - High Interaction Graphics for R" in Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003), ISSN 1609-395X, Eds.: Kurt Hornik, Friedrich Leisch & Achim Zeileis (Paper as PDF)
Urbanek, S. (2003)
"Many Faces of a Tree", in Proc. of the 35th Symposium on the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, vol. 35, Interface Foundation.
Urbanek, S. (2002)
"Exploring Statistical Forests", in Proc. of the 2002 Joint Statistical Meeting, in press, Mira DP, 2002.
Paper as PDF (122kB).
Urbanek, S. (2002)
"No need to talk to strangers - Cooperation of Interactive Software with R as Moderator", in Proc. of the 34th Symposium of the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Paper as PDF (416kB), Talk slides as PDF (1.06MB)
Urbanek, S. and Tiedtke, H.-J. (2002)
"Verbesserte Methode zur Messung von Mikrobläschen während der extrakorporalen Zirkulation", in Kardiotechnik, Suppl.1, 11, 4 (presented at 31. Int. Fortbildung- und Arbeitstagung der DGfKT 2002, Halle/Saale, Germany)
Urbanek, S. and Unwin, A. R. (2002)
"Making Trees Interactive with KLIMT", in Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 13-16
Newsletter as PDF (see also SCGN pages)
Urbanek, S. (2002)
"Different ways to see a tree - KLIMT", in Proc. of the 14th Conference on Computational Statistics, Compstat 2002), p303-308, Physica, Heidelberg
Paper as PDF (101kB)
Urbanek, S. and Tiedtke, H.-J. (2002)
"Improved Methods for Measurement of Gaseous Microbubbles During Extracorporeal Circulation", in Perfusion, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 429-434, Hodder Arnold, London
Urbanek, S. and Unwin, A. R. (2001)
"Making Trees Interactive - KLIMT", in Proc. of the 33th Symposium of the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, Costa Mesa, Orange County, CA
Paper as PDF (273kB)
